As a kid I was obsessed with Texas. My grandfather was an East Coast cowboy and filled me with fantastic tales of the west. I even had my mom write to the Texas tourism board for booklets on the state. Years later when I made it to Austin, Dallas, Houston & San Antonio for shoots I felt like I had been lied to as a kid. Major cities, urban sprawl and no real cowboys. Well, I finally got to experience the Texas I always imagined as a kid, and that Texas is 9 hours west of the major cities in towns like Fort Davis and in the country side outside Marfa. Thanks to my radically awesome friend Bennet Barbakow I ended up in Marfa, Texas on a shoot last month. Marfa is a funky artsy town located in the middle of NOWHERE Texas. But thats the point. The isolation is part of what makes Marfa, Marfa. Since learning about Marfa a few years ago I have always wanted to go, but never had a good reason to make the trip (7 hours from San Antonio and 3 hours from El Paso… its tough to get too). We were only in Marfa for a few days but I made the most of it. I spent nights wondering around the town shooting some stills and the days gawking at the beautiful landscapes. The USA continues to amaze me with some of the most beautiful and diverse landscapes in the world.